September 02, 2010

Catch the cactuar!

This cactuar is the first amigurumi I've ever made and it was given to my boyfriend for his birthday.  Being geeks, we both love the Final Fantasy video games, so when I saw this pattern I just had to make it!  

I've since made other amigurumi including a snail for my friend.  Although, I think she would have been ecstatic if I'd given her the cactuar!

Right now, I'm working on a few original projects when not in class or otherwise distracted by bright shiny objects...

*Want to make your own?  Head on over to  A big thanks to Amy Lee for the pattern!*

July 10, 2010

Creative outlet

I created this blog some time ago and never used it.  Now though, it appears that I have found something worth blogging about!  Welcome to my blog about creativity and "art".  I use the term art loosely here- after all, what one person considers art another may think of as trash.  Art, I believe, is the product of creative outlet.  So even if your finished art is nothing but blotches of paint on paper, or a mess of small objects glued into an abstract statue, it's still art.

This blog of mine will feature my crazy creations as I make them.  At first, there will probably be mostly stuff from designs out there.  After all, I need to start somewhere.  But as my skills in knitting, crocheting, sewing, painting, etc. improve, original design will become the focus.  What will I create?  Everything, just about.  I like to do it all!

Get out there and be artistic!  There's a lot of joy in creating.